Silly song

Sunday 25 April 2010

I had a very annoying song stuck in my head this entire weekend. A VERY annoying song.  Which then inspired me to write this post. Here's a list of things that kinda tick me off, just a little.

1.  People traveling through an airport who know they will be going through 80 metal detectors and still put their life's savings (in coins) and their phone, and their lighter and their key chain in their pockets.  And just to piss me off a little more, they wait until it's their turn to suddenly remember to take all this garbage out.

2. People who walk into a plane and seem so confused as to how to find their seats (probably same people as those in No. 1). Many of whom end up sitting in the wrong seat! I swear sometimes they look like they are trying to break Da Vinci's code or something.  Really, its not that complicated.

3. Women that take forever in a public toilet.  What takes so bloody long?!  

4. People who drive slow on the left lane.  I've tried to be proactive and get these people off the fast lane in the past and got into trouble... something about road rage... I had to sign a paper.... long story.

5. Any man who ties a sweater over his shoulders.  Ooh la la... man up dude!

6. Complete strangers who think it's OK to plant a sloppy kiss on your baby's face.

7. People who stand in a queue at a fast food joint, and when their turn comes to order, they then decide to study the entire menu to figure out what they want.  

8. People who wear shades indoors.  Unless you have something wrong with your eyes, you have no excuse.  It was never, nor will it ever be cool to do this.  

9. Women who tell you that of course they eat chocolate like everyone else... that when they really feel like it, they will allow themselves a piece.  A piece!  Ah yes, you are so normal.

10. To go back to what triggered this... What is up with the lyrics of today's pop songs?!   Seriously, I know I sound like a grandma but have you heard this crap?  David Guetta and Akon's hit that goes "I don't know how to describe this girl without being disrespectfuuuuuuuul, damn girl, you're a sexy bitch", or this latest "hit" they keep playing on the radio that goes "take a dirty picture, take a dirty picture (over and over).... send a dirty picture, send a dirty picture".  Seriously, how pathetic is that?  I used to think Fergie was the only sad case, but nope!  And what's worse is that for these songs to have reached the radio, they had to go through a string of really stupid decision makers - the guy who wrote it, the guy who heard it and thought that it would be a good investment, the radio station manager who thought it's worth air time... I'm really hoping things improve by the time my kid grows up, otherwise I will have to force my itunes library on him. I think I will do that anyway, I have great taste. 

I can keep going, like people who smoke cigars in restaurants, guys who wear speedos, people who chat on their phones while on public transport... but I will stop.  For now.


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