It dawned on me

Wednesday 31 March 2010

I think I had an epiphany last night, actually very early this morning.  I woke up at around 3a.m. to the baby monitor about to fuse because of Yousef's (my 7 month old son) crying.   Immediate reaction - I was annoyed.  Thing is, he has been sleeping through the night since he was 2 months old (Thank you Gina Ford!)  So when I was rudely awakened all I could think of was Why is he doing this?  Why is he messing with our system?  After I realize that even if a spaceship landed right in our bedroom my husband wouldn't wake up, I got myself out of bed and stumbled into the shrimp's room, about to scare him back into passing out.

Then I noticed his screaming was unusually high pitched.  Then I noticed he had a fever.  Finally I noticed a tooth was ripping through his gums. And at that moment I realized, not everything is about me.  That's big.  I suddenly didn't care so much about my sleep and did everything I could to cheer poor Yousef up and calm him down (including waking my husband up ha ha).  So I think I learnt a valuable lesson.  

But one question... how long does this teething thing last anyway??

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