That was just mean!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

When I first saw this mailer, I actually let out a small high pitched squeal.  

I was about to get up and dance but then decided to check the details before I totally traumatized my son.  And BAM! My hopes and dreams came crashing down.  No international shipping on online orders.  Talk about serious bubble bursting!  Question - what is the point of providing online shopping if you wont ship to other countries?  I mean if you live in the U.K. you would get your butt to Selfridges since it's the best place on earth!  It has everything! And it's bright and pretty not like Harrods.  And it's fun.  And they have lots of stuff.  Sigh... Maybe someone from their management will come across this (hmmm... spread the word people) and realize how clever I am.  SELFRIDGES GUY. YOU NEED INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING! PLEASE!

I will go cry now.

1 comment:

    This site and the subsequent account I opened saved my online shopping life while in Doha...

    Your blog is great! I recently started blogging myself but its no where near as fancy all boring work related items...

    keep up the amazing word smithing and congrats on the little one :)
