Two steps forward, one step back

Wednesday 17 February 2010

I was doing so well! Yesterday I had a wholewheat toast roast beef sandwich for my lunch and a plate of shish taouk (grilled chicken cubes) with salad for dinner.  I usually have shish taouk sandwiches, but I chose to just have the chicken on a plate instead.  I was so proud of myself, up until an hour ago.  Akram (my husband) and I decided to stay in and make some dinner.  As I was about to quickly go get supplies from the supermarket to make this healthy dinner, I got lazy. And the idea of still coming back and cooking it made me lazier.  I was pretty worn out as Yousef (my 6 month old son) drove me nuts today.  It's like he was on a hunger strike for some unknown reason, he literally would not eat, and as the mothers out there know, this also means serious mood swings, for the both of us.  So yeah back to my point, I got lazy and I gave in.  How terrible, ON DAY 3!!  I ordered my usual from Hardeez.

Lesson of the day: Plan Ahead.

So tomorrow is a new day, start over.  I also need to get myself to workout but that's going to be a little difficult because I'm traveling to Kuwait on Friday for a few days to visit family.  Oh god, that means more food.

By the way, if anyone out there who reads this has had the same issue with their baby, please let me know how you solved it!

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