Pretty Fancy Things

Monday 27 December 2010

I recently started working on a little venture where I will be selling beautiful, unique handmade items for babies and kids.  

The idea popped up a few months ago when I started looking around Dubai for cool decor items for my son's room, and wasn't too impressed with what I found.  So I turned to the Internet and found all kinds of treasures.  I've also been well aware of the handmade "movement" happening in other parts of the world, where people are re-gaining appreciation for pieces made by hand and heart, usually with a story behind them, rather than a cookie cutter type machine.  Even bigger stores are starting to stock such items made by crafters from places in Central America or Asia, please note I said crafters, not sweat shops.  That's the other attractive aspect of buying handmade, you are helping sustain small communities or encouraging people to develop their crafts, you are helping stay at home moms make an income with their crafts, and in many cases you are also helping the environment.  

So I've decided to be a part of this movement, in a city where the more famous the brand or the more expensive the item the better. But I believe in every piece that I have sourced.  Every piece is unique, thoughtful and fun. I've chosen things that make me wish I was a kid again, things that have put a smile on my face.  Things that confirm to me I'm a wicked mom.  And I hope other parents will feel that way too. 

Here's the flyer for my first sale which will be an open house on January 8th.  I will be selling decor items, clothing, toys and accessories.  If you happen to be in the U.A.E. come check it out. I will post some pictures of the day soon.  I'm really excited about this, fingers crossed!

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