Some help for the high chair

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Yousef is now 11 months old, and we're both now trying to move on from boring purees and mashed food.  In a way, it's a relief to know that I can now count him in for most of what I cook at home, but it's also been a bit confusing.  See I normally cook (adult food) 3 or 4 times a week, and it's not necessarily baby friendly.  Now I suddenly need to have fresh, healthy dishes prepared almost everyday.  Of course I will be freezing some portions or making one off sandwiches for the little one too...  So for the last couple of weeks, I've been trying to get creative with what I can make for Y, I've been asking friends, looking through my old recipes and checking out what's online.  That's when I found Weelicious.  This is a blog by a culinary school grad, used to be a model, mom of two.  It's super helpful!  I love it because the recipes are very simple and quick, and can be appreciated by the whole family.  So if you find yourself in my situation, not knowing what to feed your little one, or your partner even... check this site out.

Here are images of some of the recipes I can't wait to try.


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