Gym Bunny?

Friday 16 July 2010

I was just at the gym running on the treadmill, bored out of my mind, until I saw this poster on the wall.
I was totally amused with this ad for Fila sports clothing.  Being an ex ad person, I would love to know which Fila marketers approved this image, and what they could've possibly thought it was doing for the brand and who exactly they were targeting.  Also, I don't have implants or anything, but I'm pretty sure no woman in her right mind would go to the gym with no 'support', especially if the breasts in question are that size.  I'm assuming this chick here is meant to be working out at a gym right?  Must be a freezing where the poor girl is.
Oh and what made it funnier was that I showed it to my husband thinking he would agree that it's absurd and instead he couldn't see why I thought it was worth blogging about.  Silly me.

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