When I grow up

Wednesday 5 May 2010

I am a HUGE Madonna fan. I've loved her since I was 6 years old (not sure how my parents feel about this).  I once had a birthday party where the theme was Madonna and when I didn't win the prize for best Madonna costume, I locked myself up in my room.  Again I was 6!  I wont go into a full defensive speech as to why I adore her but I will say, she's beautiful, she's smart, she goes after what she wants and she has balls.

So why do I bring this up now?  I just came across these pictures on Interview Magazine's website and was in total awe.  Even if you don't like her, even if you think she's a little mad, you have to admit the woman has changed what it means to be in your 50s - the body, her energy (if you've seen her Live you would know what I mean), Jesus Luz...  I want to be like her when I grow up.  Actually I want to be like her now.

(Sorry if the last picture offends anyone)

Images: Interview Magazine

1 comment:

  1. wowowowwwww!!!! Damn dude! She's putting the standards up waaaay too high!
