London calling

Sunday 23 May 2010

I've been away for the past 10 days, went to what in my humble opinion is the best city on earth - London. It's always been my favorite place, and living there for 2 years only made my attachment stronger.  But it was my first time to venture the fast paced side walks, public transport (remember I live in Dubai) and 7 hour flights with Yousef alone, so I was a little apprehensive to say the least. 

The flights were interesting.  Going there I took a day flight, and that was a disaster because all he wanted to do was crawl around the entire air craft and eat people's shoes.  And so by the last two hours all hell broke loose, and let's just say that when we finally landed, the flight attendant offered "to rush me out first".  Kill me now.  The flight coming back was a red eye, which was OK in the sense that he was sleeping or rather mellow most of the time, but then totally over exhausted and ready to kill me once we were back home.  You can't win.  And what made the flights even worse was that both ways, I happen to sit next to someone who has the calmest, most silent, well behaved baby - while mine was screaming, stealing the other's toys, playing drums on the table, being returned to me by random people who he went to visit etc. etc.

But I have to give the little dude some credit, when it came to my shopping sprees in London (which are quite intense and last all day), he was great.  He was either charming the sales people or clapping his hands and trying to sing or napping.  And I'll take well behaved while shopping rather than well behaved on a flight any day.

Image: weheartit

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